Let’s Talk Costumes!

Hello lovelies!

I wanted to talk a bit about this lecture/discussion that is coming up next weekend on January 14, 2024 (2pm MST). I’m kind of a freak for sparkly costumes. I do sew my own costumes sometimes, but I also don’t always have the time or patience to completely cover a bra, belt, or skirt in beads and sequins. So, I will buy nice costumes. Since this isn’t my bread and butter job, I am not always prepared to spend several hundreds, or thousands, of dollars on a brand new or bespoke costume. Maybe for a special occasion… 🙂

I was very lucky to have a good friend and mentor teach me everything that she knew about used and vintage costumes – where to get them, how to adjust and repair, how to store and clean, etc. But, not everyone has that opportunity. So, I wanted to get some extremely knowledgeable people together to talk about the subject.

If you are in New Mexico, you probably know our experts. Michelle al Farfesha is the founder of Farfesha Bellydance, and has taught many, many students, some of whom are now teaching too! Asha Pollem is the owner of The Crafty Raven and formerly danced with Raqzia, among many other troupes over the years. Combined they have over 40 years of costuming experience and we are so lucky they are happy to share their knowledge with us!

I’ve been learning new things just researching for this event. I hope you will join us, and bring your questions! Click here to register: https://www.nmbellydance.com/nmbd-merch/p/costuming-101-everyone-deserves-to-look-fabulous

I dug up some pics of a few costumes I bought used over the years. They range in price from $90 to $450 in value, so sometimes you can get a bargain, or you can get a unicorn that you just have to have in your life. We’ll help you figure out how to get what you want!

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